Chronic Headaches, Whiplash, Concussion, Neck Arthritis
There are two distinct yet different causes for all head and neck pain to develop – Chronic Postural Strain (slow on-set) & Traumatic Injury (rapid on-set). There are also two distinct yet different types of head and neck pain – Myofascial Pain (referred) and Nerves Pain (Direct).
This document explains the complexities of head and neck dysfunctions and details our innovative therapy treatment solution to solve both slow postural and rapid traumatic forms.
Aside from reading our innovative therapy treatment solution below, we also encourage you to take the time to read the other sections as well to fully understand the complexities of all Head and Neck conditions.
(Tap or click to scroll to section)
Section 1: Our Ground-Breaking Therapy Treatment Solution
Section 2: Postural VS Trauma: How it all begins
Section 3: Fascia – Understanding Muscular Fascia
Section 4: Myofascial Adhesions – Source of the Problem
Section 5: Our Treatment Technologies
Section 6: Your Next Step
Section 7: Testimonials

Section 1: Our Ground-Breaking Therapy Treatment Solution
We recommend you read the Overview paragraphs below first before moving on to the actual treatment. It will make more sense to you once you understand the importance of how and why we prioritize the use of our five technologies required to solve head and neck issues.
Treatment Overview
Pain is the body’s primary means of communicating the fact that we have a problem. However, in 90% of all cases, pain travels away from the ultimate source making a confusing situation for many to comprehend. Where you feel pain is likely not where it is coming from.
As chronic pain specialists, we understand both referred and direct sources of pain and its referral patterns throughout the body which is why our initial assessment process is so important.
We need to determine what structures require treatment causing the symptoms, what priority is needed for targeting treatment first, and what technology is required.
All chronic postural and traumatic head and neck issues cause harm to multiple structures in the neck, resulting in both referred pain from the development of myofascial adhesions, and in many cases direct nerve pain due to impingement.,
This is the reason that every structure in the neck/chest/upper back is assessed, and targeted for treatment, if necessary, that include:
- Muscles and tendons in the neck, chest, and shoulders
- Neck ligaments
- Spinal discs – bulging/ruptured
- Facet joints & cartilage/capsules
- Exiting spinal cord nerve root compression
- Peripheral nerves compression
- Nerves of the brachial plexus
- Blood vessels – arteries and veins
- Lymphatic vessel
We are so fortunate to have a full complement of the best technologies in the world to treat and resolve issues in all these structures should they require it.
Treatment Priority
(Please refer to Section 5: Our Treatment Technologies for a detailed explanation of the technologies we use in this treatment protocol)
In short, we must:
Begin to eliminate all compression forces from the neck caused by increased neurological brain impulse generation designed to tighten all neck structures as this process serves to lock the neck into a guarding posture. (FSM)
We must eliminate compression forces exerted on the neck by extremely shortened and hardened muscular and tendon fibres common with the formation of myofascial adhesions (Shockwave Therapy).
Both treatment goals using a combination of Shockwave therapy and frequency specific microcurrent FSM will help us return a normal structural spinal curve to the neck further eliminating internal disc pressure from the head and neck.
We must then treat bulging and/or ruptured spinal discs to reduce any exiting nerve compression from the spinal cord (Professional Computer-Guided Spinal Decompression)
We must return normal neurological impulse generation from centres in the brain and spinal cord, altered by the abnormal cellular receptor activity resulting from the head and neck issues i.e. neck arthritis/concussion/whiplash/chronic postural strain (Trigenics)
We must resolve all lingering myofascial adhesions/tendinopathies/bursitis/nerve entrapments from involved shoulders, arms, chest, and back to remove the final compression forces from the entire upper body (Shockwave therapy/Nerve regeneration/Trigenics/FSM)
Finally, we must resolve any secondary conditions that have developed due to the head and neck issues which include:
- Burning Mouth syndrome
- Belles Palsy
- TMJFrozen Shoulder
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Treatments Begin
Shockwave therapy, the same technology used to break apart kidney stones, begins the first treatment.
This technology we use from EMS (Germany) has the unique capability to safely break apart myofascial adhesions in identified muscles, ligaments, and tendons. .
A gel is applied to the skin over an adhesion located by our founder’s heightened sense of touch, and a trigger depressed begins delivering the acoustic waves into the adhesion to begin breaking apart the involved fibers.
Within seconds you feel the internal pressure of the acoustic waves as they begin to break up the adhesion.
During the hour-long treatment, this shockwave applicator is constantly moved from adhesion to adhesion as they are systematically broken apart. The relief this brings is immediate and you quickly see what muscles, tendons, and/or ligaments have been causing you the symptoms experienced for weeks, months, and even years.
This treatment is administered once per week or every 2 weeks, depending on your schedule, and whether you want a rapid reduction in symptoms, or a slower pace.
If your case requires it, you change rooms and begin an FSM treatment. This technology uses wet towels to apply specific, low current, electrical impulses into the body to begin treating neurons in the brain, spinal cord inflammation, and reducing the neurological impulses causing the notorious muscle guarding that lock down the neck. You feel nothing while this technology performs its work at a cellular level.
We do not administer spinal decompression for disc issues, nerve regeneration for damaged nerves, or Trigenics to re-set the nervous system at this time in your treatments. The compression forces must be eliminated from the neck, and all muscles starting their regeneration phase before we can add these three technologies to your plan. It is simply too early to introduce them as they will not be successful.
If you do have disc issues, and all soft tissue dysfunctions causing compression forces on the neck have been eliminated, spinal decompression can then begin.
It involves lying on your back, with velcro straps positioned around your hips for low back discs, or a head strap for neck discs. The pelvis or head is rotated forward to set-up the exact angle required to target specific discs for treatment. For the next 30 minutes, a computer-guided slow, gentle, unrecognizable distraction pressure is applied to the disc to create a gentle suction force to draw essential water back into the disc’s fibrous interior like pulling on a syringe. Disc bulging/ruptures occur whenever they have lost too much of their essential internal water content, so must be re-hydrated which is exactly how this technology works.
FSM/Nerve Regeneration
These 2 technologies, applied to the body with wet towels, begin fixing damaged nerves, not just in the neck and arms, but anywhere else a neuropathy may exist.
Despite the fact that you see us for neck issues, we also resolve any other chronic pain issues you may have. If we are to focus now on nerve regeneration, it would be common sense to resolve nerve issues elsewhere in the body including neuropathy in the feet.
Although both technologies use electric impulses to do their work, you feel very little because they are doing their work at a cellular level.
The FSM is removing damaged cellular processes from involved nerves which include:
- Eliminate inflammation in the nerve
- Remove healing obstacles such as calcifications, fibrosis, sclerosis, chronic inflammation, and traumatic cellular waste
- Nerve regeneration can now begin with the same process but different technology, our nerve rebuilder
All obstacles have been removed from damaged nerves so this technology will now complete the regeneration process.
Trigenics is the final technology available to us if required. It involves the application of pressure provided by a cam-gear driven pressure impulses applied to muscles and tendons to re-establish normal neurological communication between them and the brain. You contract specific muscles while this hand-held technology is placed on the muscle or tendon forcing the brain to increase its neurological impulses so the muscle fibres will contract.
This process is used to either increase or decrease neurological impulse generation to cause increased or decreased muscle tone. Trigenics is the final stage of establishing equilibrium to a body that has suffered postural and/or traumatic influances that have altered this essential balance and equilibrium to the musculoskeletal and functional neurological systems.
Post-Treatment Affects
You can expect skin tenderness for 1 day resulting from the. acoustic waves penetrating the skin’s fascial layer to reach deeper into the muscle’s fascial layers.
The treated muscles will be tender to the touch for 3 or 4 days. after your first treatment, improving each day quickly. The breaking of the fascial bonds does not harm the muscles fibres, just breaks apart the collagen bonds which glued them together.
It’s rare in the neck, but you may see slight bruising in severely adhered muscles which will last for a few days only. This is fascial bruising, not broken blood vessels.
Treated muscles will swell because of treatment. This is expected, and wanted, as the white blood cells move in to remove the broken collagen fibres and initiate the regeneration process. This swelling will last for approximately2-3 days following your first treatment. All subsequent treatments see far less swelling and tenderness after treatments as only the residual adhered fibres see symptoms, healthy regenerating fibres see none.
You will see a marked reduction in the symptoms these muscles and their adhesions have caused you.
The referred and direct nerve symptoms felt in the back, arms, chest, and neck itself will be reduced, and after 3 or 4 treatments should be be eliminated.
Ongoing treatments Begin
Now that the first and most important start to your recovery has begun, we can choose from all five of our technologies going forward to continue the treatment process, targeting spinal discs issues, nerve regeneration, nerve-muscle communication re-set (Trigenics), and so on.
Most who have suffered head and neck trauma will now begin a full regimen of FSM, spinal decompression, nerve regeneration, Trigenics, and still more shockwave therapy.
Chronic headaches should be nearly completed after the first three treatments have been completed but require a few FSM and Trigenics treatments to complete the treatment plan.
Those with neck arthritis will now receive all five technologies as we continue the treatment process, from spinal discs, soft tissue, facet joint and related capsular issues, and brain influences.
Section 2: Postural vs Trauma: How It All Begins
What we need you to understand in this section, is:
– There are 2 very different types of pain, nerve pain and myofascial pain.
– There are 2 distinct root causes for all head and neck conditions to develop, postural and traumatic.
Once you comprehend both, you will have a full understanding of your symptoms, whether you suffer from chronic headaches, concussion, whiplash, or other traumatic neck injury symptoms, or symptoms of neck arthritis.
The Beginning
The vertebrae in the neck are stacked on top of each other separated by fibrous water-filled discs and wrapped by a layer of ligaments to hold the entire spinal column in position.
Then muscles and tendons overlay the ligaments whose job is to maintain a normal head posture, and to cause movement to take place.
Nerves exiting the spinal cord behind every disc leave the spine, travel down the side of the neck underneath the muscles, pass behind the collar bone, travel across the chest under the muscles there, and finally enter the arm under the shoulder.
Every muscle in the body including those in the neck are comprised of hundreds of thousands of individual living muscle cells, able to stabilize, contract and lengthen to cause movement in a joint.
Each living muscle cell is encased in a strong connective tissue covering called fascia.
The job of fascia is to protect the living muscle cells, and to give every muscle their unique shape by forming the outer protective layer as well. (Section 3: Fascia)
We encourage you to read the next 2 sections on fascia and myofascial adhesions, so you have a complete and thorough understanding of both.
Postural Head and Neck Issues: The Beginning
The neck is the furthest region away from the feet situated at the top of the skeleton, so is subject to all postural forces the body is exposed to over your lifetime.
Over time, issues involving your feet, knees, hips, pelvis, low or upper back will have an influence on the structures in the neck.
Deviations in the joints of the body from feet to upper vertebrae in the back will cause abnormal forces to be exerted on the muscles and ligaments of the neck. Over time, muscles, tendons, and ligaments holding the spine will develop painful adhesions.
These adhesions cause pressure to develop on free nerve endings within their fibres causing pain. The unique characteristic of free nerve endings is that you won’t likely feel pain where they are being compressed. Rather you will experience pain elsewhere along what is called a referred pain pathway in the body. For example, the trapezius muscle which connects the neck to the shoulder will cause pain in the temples of the head whenever adhesions form in its fibres. This is called referred pain, as the pain is not noticed in the trapezius muscle itself but rather along the fascial line to the temporal region of the skull.
Over time, postural strain on the soft tissues in the neck will cause adhesion formation, and thus fascial referred pain to travel along their unique fascial lines. This is a slow on-set of symptoms over many years, but most are not aware of postural issues until symptoms develop.
Nerve Complications
Adhesion formation can crush major nerves travelling down the side of the neck and along their path to the arms if they form on or near them. The result is direct nerve pain, not referred pain caused by adhesions crushing free nerve endings. Major nerve trunks being crushed will cause extreme pain that is very different from referred fascial pain (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome).
Postural Headaches
Headaches are generally the result of adhesions in 1 or more muscles in the neck, and in more chronic cases, in the ligaments that maintain normal neck posture. Most headaches pain comes from the adhesions that have formed in the muscles of the neck.
Postural Neck Arthritis
Arthritis is the term to indicate the presence of bulging/ruptured discs, calcifications along the vertebral/disc junctions, facet joint swelling/calcification, and usually deviation in the natural curves of the spine.
Both referred and direct nerve pain begin occasionally, but eventually becomes constant. Loss in neck motion is noticed, and a variety of symptoms are experienced anywhere in the head, neck, chest, back, and arms.
Neck arthritis takes many years to develop due to prolonged postural strain not identified or solved.
Traumatic Head and Neck Injury
Whiplash, concussions, skull fractures, jaw dislocations, neck sprains are examples of the most common head and neck trauma we see.
The first structure to be injured in any head and neck trauma is with the muscles. They get stretched in a whiplash, crushed or stretched in a concussion force, strained and swollen with fractures, and so on.
Depending on the trauma, and severity of it, the ligaments, discs, and facet joints can all be injured.
Neurons in various brain regions can be injured, with corresponding swelling, decreased function, intra-brain communication errors, and even scarring.
The pain and other symptoms that result from traumatic head and neck injuries can vary widely and include:
- Headaches anywhere in the skull due to both referred pain and localized brain inflammation
- Sensitivity to light as the brain’s visual centers are affected
- Sensitivity to noise as the brain’s auditory centers are affected
- Sinus pressure as pain refers from the brain, skull, and/or neck
- Neck pain as muscle and ligament fibers develop adhesions, inflammation, and/or nerve ending damage
- Neck ligaments suffer stretch injury causing painful inflammation
- Spinal discs bulge placing direct pressure on adjacent ligament fibers
- Facet joint and capsular injury
- Increased neurological impulses from the brain lock down the entire neck in a guarding response
Treatment considerations
By now you should realize what our treatment protocol must achieve with all the potential damage that can occur in either postural or traumatic head and neck injuries.
Fortunately, we have the 5 best technologies in the world to achieve success in treatments.
Section 3: Understanding Muscular Fascia
Fascia is an extremely robust yet pliable type of connective tissue, comprised of collagen and elastin fibers. It intricately envelops and safeguards every living muscle and nerve fiber (cell) within the body’s muscular framework.
While collagen provides the necessary strength to shield and protect this sensitive muscle and nerve cells, elastin allows for the essential stretching and contracting ability that every muscle and nerve requires.
The prefix “Myo” pertains to the fascia associated with muscles, derived from the Greek term for muscle. Remarkably, a single muscle may contain upwards of 500,000 living muscle cells, each encased within a protective fascial covering known as endomysium. Clusters of these fascia-wrapped muscle cells, numbering around 20,000 in each bundle, are encased by another layer of fascia called epimysium. Finally, the entire muscle ensemble is enveloped by a third type of fascia called perimysium, which gives each muscle its distinct shape.
At all three levels, fascia serves to bind and protect the living muscle cells. Muscular fascia has excellent blood flow, facilitated by the vascular network of the living muscle cells, which supplies essential nutrients to the collagen and elastin fibers within the fascia. This system ensures that muscular fascia is adept at absorbing forces exerted during muscle contraction or stretching, allowing for the joint movement and work that muscles perform.
Section 4: Myofascial Adhesions – Source of the Problem
Myofascial adhesions, commonly known as adhesions, are regions of severely hardened and adhered fascial fibers amidst otherwise healthy, elastic fascial tissue. The ratio of collagen and elastin changes, resulting in more inflexible collagen fibers and fewer elastic, pliable elastin fibers. The result is a phenomenon where normally straight, healthy muscle fibers see an influx of new collagen fibers that twist and bind other fibers together like glue, forming an intricate weave of cross-bridged collagen fibers that changes the muscle’s tissue structure.
These adhered fascial fibers create dysfunctional, inelastic, fibrotic, and ischemic bands or large regions within the muscle’s fascial connective tissue layers and even throughout the entire muscle. The term adhesion (adhesive) commonly associated with glue aptly describes this phenomenon.
Adhesions typically form in the fascial tissue layers due to excessive and repetitive strain on its muscular fibers. The cross-bridged collagen fiber influx is the body’s unique method of protecting the living muscle cells from damage, as living muscle cells can die, leading to muscle wasting and atrophy.
The result of all this hardening, glueing, twisting, and deformation of a muscle causes:
- Entire muscle to shorten, severely crushing free nerve endings within the muscle, resulting in localized pain
- Decreased healthy oxygen flow into the muscle, causing pain
- Decreased outflow of metabolic waste, causing pain
- Entire muscle to shorten, crushing underlying nerves, arteries, and veins
Adhesions: Understanding the Consequences of Overstrain
Muscles are marvels of biomechanical engineering, capable of generating significant force to facilitate daily activities. However, this remarkable capacity comes with a caveat: muscles require time to recuperate from the stresses placed upon their fascial network, which protects the living muscle cells. Given adequate time, fascia can heal from the strains induced by vigorous activity. The issue lies in the time factor; frequently, we fail to allow our muscles and their fascia the necessary recovery period amidst daily demands.
Fortunately, the human body possesses an innate resilience, designed to safeguard every living muscle cell under duress. When myofascial tissue is deprived of sufficient recovery time, the body initiates a compensatory mechanism, generating new collagen fibers that intertwine individual fascial fibers in a cross-bridged pattern. This process fortifies the fascial network by binding individual muscle cells and their fascial coverings together, enhancing overall structural integrity.
These cross-bridged collagen fibers function as natural adhesives, binding groups of fascial fibers together to form a cohesive, robust unit, thus shielding the strained fibers from further damage. The term “adhesion (adhesive),” commonly associated with glue, aptly describes this phenomenon, where fascial fibers become bound together, reinforcing the tissue against overexertion.
Consequences of Adhesion Formation & Burning Mouth Syndrome
The formation of adhesions initiates a cascade of consequences, as these fibrous connections begin to compress the arteries, veins, and free nerve endings within the layers of fascia surrounding muscles and the neurovascular bundle that lies beneath. Consequently, a persistent low-grade pain manifests whenever muscles affected by adhered fascia are engaged. Additionally, these adhesions have the propensity to shorten certain bands of fascial fibers, exacerbating discomfort upon contraction or stretching of the affected muscles.
Each of these activities contributes to the overstrain of the muscles in the neck, jaw, and face, which have very thin layers of fascia. Over time, the fascia hardens and shortens, entrapping the delicate nerve.
Section 5: Treatment Technologies
How does the technology used to treat my condition, affect my chances of a cure?
What is the Innovative Therapy Canada difference?
Our Technologies
The two most important factors to your recovery are accurately and competently identifying root causes for your chronic pain, and then treating them using the most effective technologies the world has to offer.
So aside from a competent diagnosis, the technologies and how they are used are the most important part to the process.
EMS Swiss Dolorclast Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy, initially developed in the 1980s to fragment kidney stones (lithotripsy), is the therapeutic use of unique high energy acoustic (sound) waves to break apart extremely painful myofascial adhesions and unwanted calcifications in the soft tissues and joints of the body.
We use EMS Swiss Dolorclast shockwave Therapy, originators of the technology in Germany over 40 years ago, Because it produces the most effective and deep penetrating impulses among all acoustic shockwave generators worldwide. EMS technology is patent protected, so no other shockwave therapy devices are allowed to copy the brilliant engineering that EMS originally engineered.
The acoustic waves are created by propelling a metal projectile with high pressure compressed air (up to 120 PSI) through an exceptionally long cylinder within the applicator to strike an alloy tip. These acoustic impulses are transmitted to the body through a conductive gel applied to the skin over the region to be treated.
Its powerful acoustic waves create a distinctively high-pressure wavefront, triggering rapid expansion of blood/lymphatic gas molecules in fibrotic adhered tissue, followed by a rapid implosion force.
This rapid expansion/implosion wave cycle (shockwaves) results in the creation of beneficial fascial adhesion tissue disruption effectively degrading the collagen bonds of adhered fibres, causing them to disintegrate.These myofascial adhesions along with tendinopathies, heel spurs, pinched nerves, general muscle fibre damage, ligament sprains, chronic inflammation, and pinched nerves are all examples of how widespread chronic pain can manifest itself in knees, hips, low back, neck, arms, and legs. Shockwave therapy is the only technology able to break apart the core dysfunctions responsible for most chronic pain conditions.
Physiologically, the healthy tissues of nerves, smooth muscle and outer fascial connective tissue layers of organs, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, and lymphatic channels possess varying degrees of elasticity and can expand without harm as shockwaves traverse their cellular structures. Shockwaves have no affect on bones.
We have enhanced the therapeutic use of this world class technology over the past 20 years, having administered over 250 millions shockwaves to every region of the body. We have engineered and offered safe and effective treatment protocols to break apart painful, debilitating myofascial adhesions crushing nerves, exerting damaging forces on joints, squeezing and restricting essential blood flow, and break apart unwanted and painful calcifications, anywhere in the body.
Its astonishing, unrivalled capability of our EMS technology, coupled with our founders unique ability to feel dysfunctions, is one of the most important reasons why we at Innovative Therapy Canada solve the chronic pain conditions we do.
Trigenics Myo-Neural Therapy
Trigenics is an advanced neuromuscular (nerve & muscle) therapy, implemented to restore normal neurological communication between brain and muscles during the soft tissue regeneration phase of our treatment protocols.
It involves the physical application of pressure supplied by a unique, cam-gear driven thruster technology administered to regenerating muscles and tendons.
Highly specialized neurological receptor cells embedded within muscles, tendons, and ligaments repaired in our treatment protocols need to be re-set to return normal function.
Trigenics corrects muscle imbalances restoring skeletal equilibrium essential to any body recovering from chronic pain.
Spinemed Professional Computer-Guided Spinal Decompression system
This highly specialized technology from Spinemed is the world’s most effective computer-guided spinal decompression technology. It encourages bulging/ruptures spinal discs to heal from a variety of potential causes.
Spinal discs are prone to degeneration and injury over the years as they are constantly compressed and twisted through daily activities.
As a disc degenerates, the fibrous water-filled interior loses some of its water, bulging like a car tire that has lost air. It also reduces disc height creating instability to that section in the spine thus causing ligament strain and pain.
Disc degeneration also causes the elastic outer disc lining to become brittle and susceptible to cracks and tears that can lead to disc herniations.
Bulging or herniated discs can then press on exiting spinal nerves, causing severe pain.
Damaged intervertebral discs will not heal if the abnormal forces being exerted on them is not identified and removed.
Our therapy treatment protocols are designed to identify these unwanted forces, remove them, then use the Spinemed decompression system to restore health to the involved discs.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent FSM
Frequency Specific Microcurrent is a very unique type of low-grade electrical currents therapy that encourages the repair of body tissues at a cellular level.
It is not TENS, not ultrasound, not shockwave, not laser, and not stimpod. It is a technology all on its own, developed in the 1920’s.
FSM uses bursts of electrical energy at very specific frequencies to encourage cellular changes breaking down cellular obstacles that interfere with the regeneration process. This then helps the body heal.
The electrical energy propagates through the body by resonating in the 88% water content we are comprised of, like when a rock is thrown into a pond.
This energy is in the form of exact frequencies which target specific cells that respond to these frequencies. For example, nerves respond to a frequency of 396 cycles per second.
Each type of cell responds to a specific frequency which is how the technology can affect specific body parts to help them heal.
FSM is yet another essential tool we have in our chronic pain therapy tool box that we use extensively to solve issues from the brain to the feet.
We rely on it to solve such conditions as traumatic brain issues caused by concussions, whiplash, neck/skull fractures, and neck arthritis.
Rebuilder Medical Nerve Regeneration
The nerve rebuilder is another highly specialized electrical therapy technology we used extensively to resolve peripheral nerve neuropathy, and to encourage the regeneration of severely damaged peripheral nerves, common to most who suffer from chronic pain.
We use this unique technology in the final stages of our treatment process to encourage regeneration of peripheral nerves by:
- Wakes up dormant nerve cells and restore normal polarity along the nerve axons and dendrites. This helps nerves transmit signals properly again.
- Relaxes and re-energizes shrunken nerve cells by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the synaptic junctions between nerves. This provides nutrients for nerve repair.
- Stimulates muscles (along with nerves) using specific electrical signals. This causes the muscles to contract and relax which results in an increase in blood circulation.
Section 6: Your Next Step
Your journey towards relief from Iliotibial Band Contracture begins with taking the next step. Here’s what you can do to initiate the process:
Contact Us:
Reach out to us to schedule a consultation and initial treatment session. Whether you’re local or from afar, we’re here to assist you in finding the best solution for your condition.
We encourage calling us from a land-line phone or e-mail. Cell phones go through dead zones and often our voice message system fails to hear the entire message including a return phone number.
Consultation and Treatment Plan:
During your consultation, we’ll discuss your specific situation in detail and work together to formulate a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Since treatments require intervals between sessions, we’ll address the logistics to ensure seamless administration of treatments.
Flexible Treatment Options:
Treatments can be administered at any time, even during flare-up situations. Our initial treatment is designed to swiftly reduce painful causes, providing immediate relief.
There’s no “bad” time to begin treatments. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll experience resolution and regain control over your life.
For more information on our treatment for this condition, or on any other chronic pain condition you may suffer from, we encourage you to contact us to discuss options available to you.
Section 7: Testimonials
“I Owe Glenn a Great Deal for Giving me my Life Back”
I suffered from migraines, and pain in my back, shoulders, neck, and thigh for over five years. The migraines varied in frequency, anywhere from 1-4 episodes a week.
I had been seeing a migraine specialist in Toronto for over 3 years. I have met with neurosurgeons, neurologists, a rheumatologist and various general practitioners in both Canada and the U.S. in an attempt to determine the cause of my issues. I had treatments from chiropractors, massage therapists, naturopaths, and physiotherapists. Despite numerous appointments and countless different medications, nothing seemed to help alleviate the pain and disruptions to my life caused by these episodes. More than that, no one could tell me what was causing these issues. Any treatment plan I was on was focused on merely treating the symptoms, not the cause.
When I first met with Glenn, I was on a medical leave of absence from work. The episodes had become so frequent that I was unable to consistently attend work. Within a few minutes of speaking with Glenn, after outlining my history and symptoms, he seemed to have already determined a possible cause of my problems. An assessment confirmed his thoughts.
Glenn took the time to explain to me his thoughts on the root cause of my symptoms. I had four treatments with Glenn over the course of a month. During the course of the treatments, Glenn was able to reproduce my exact migraine pain. This helped confirm that the migraines were neck related. Since being treated by Glenn, I have returned to work and most importantly, I have gotten my life back.
I no longer fear missing work or time with my family because of these issues. I have not had an episode similar to those I suffered through for more than 5 years. I cannot thank Glenn enough for what he did for me. I will be forever grateful to him for giving me my life back.
Thanks, Glenn
Toronto, ON