Since the age of 40, I have suffered from severe chronic back pain.
My question was where do I go from here??
For the past 25 years, my activities have been very limited. My time was spent going from chiro to massage therapy, osteopath and acupuncture and a two year series of back injections..the latter helped to a point but the rest gave me little relief of pain. Medications prescribed by the doctors caused other problems.
A cousin told me about Innovative Therapy Canada, they were in Cornwall. Thoughts ran through my mind…
“What have I got to lose tried everything else! So why not!”

My search has finally come to a happy ending…
Last January I drove, a 4-hour round trip, to meet with Glenn Cameron. My hopes were to finally be able to return to a normal daily life without constant pain. “Would this treatment work?” To my surprise, this gentleman assured me he could help. Seeing that my problem was chronic and that it existed for 25 years he said it may take quite a few sessions. My first reaction…Let’s give it a try.
My treatments were intense but after the first one, I could not believe how I felt. After all the following sessions my condition improved along with a surge in energy. “What was this feeling–my pain was diminishing. Could this really be happening or was I dreaming.”
Orthotics were ordered to correct the posture and in the end, they helped the back and knee problem.
Now after eight treatments Glenn has given me back a quality of life that I have not had for years. Today I have returned to regular activities that I have not enjoyed for years. I enjoy long walks, biking, gardening, housework and even went horseback riding. It is in my interest to do tune-ups, once in a while, with Glenn to keep my condition improving. Like a dream, I reached out for the golden ring (which turned out to be Innovation Therapy Canada and Glenn). I won the best prize of all…Pain Relief!
Glenn had the golden ticket with his shockwave, magnetic and therapeutic massage therapy…it works where many other treatments have failed.
I am so grateful to Glenn and his helpful staff for their kindness and encouragement. My outlook for the future is now bright. Thank you for all that you have done for me.
I remain yours truly:
Lorrain Lajoie – Varennes, QC