Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

We take an innovative approach to treating carpal tunnel syndrome, offering a viable alternative to surgery for the condition. Our success in treating the condition comes from systematically addressing all of the structures involved, not just those in the wrist. We treat the cause and not the symptom.

Our highly successful, non-surgical treatment protocol addresses all of the issues involved, providing the most comprehensive and innovative approach to curing the condition,


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where the nerve that supplies the thumb and next 2 fingers become compressed as it crosses the wrist. It is a complex condition that has many aspects to it, making it extremely difficult to successfully and permanently resolve. Our innovative treatment protocol addresses all of the tissues involved utilizing the unique combination of magnetic therapy, shockwave therapy, and neuromuscular therapy.

How Can I Be Sure I have Carpal tunnel syndrome?

Numerous conditions exist that can cause identical symptoms to that of carpal tunnel syndrome. A nerve conduction study, administered by a neurologist, will accurately confirm whether you have the condition with 100% accuracy.

Commonly Experienced Symptoms

  • Sensations of pins & needles on the palm side of the thumb and next two fingers, lasting for many hours and even days
  • Prolonged periods of total numbness in the palm of the hand, thumb and/or next 2 fingers.
  • Sensations of sharp electrical impulses felt anywhere from the mid-forearm region at the elbow down to the fingertips.
  • Sensations of coldness, ache, and even a severe burning of the palm of the hand and/or fingers.
  • Greyish skin appearance in the thumbs, and/or next two fingers.
  • Lack of sensitivity when grasping hot or cold objects (hot cup of coffee)
  • In rare cases, symptoms are felt along the back of the upper arm perhaps even into the shoulder.
  • Symptoms may be worse at night or when doing heavy or repetitive work with the affected hand. Below is a list of the common causes for the development of carpal tunnel syndrome.


Common Causes

  • Hard physical work with your hands on a repetitive basis over a period of years. Examples would be construction, electricians, plumbers, sheet metal workers, heavy equipment operators,
  • mechanics farmers or landscape contractors.
  • Any extremely repetitive work with your hands such as typing on a keyboard or using a mouse.
  • Any repetitive activity where a pinch-grip is required such as is the case with dental hygienists, accountants, jewelers, assembly factory workers.
  • Crafts such as knitting, sewing, needlepoint and/or quilting, for example.
  • Pregnancy, where water retention squeezes the nerve.
  • High blood pressure where water retention squeezes the nerve.
  • Arthritis in the bones of the wrist.
  • Trauma to the wrist resulting in the formation of scar tissue.

Rarer Causes:

  • Wrist fracture
  • Wrist tarsal bone dislocation
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Emotional stress
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • High blood pressure

What Actually Happens?

The median nerve is the nerve involved in carpal tunnel syndrome. It travels down the median (middle) aspect of the forearm, crossing the wrist on its way to supplying the thumb, index and median fingers with sensations as well as supplying power to the small muscles of the hand. There are nine tendons coming down from the elbow which provide function to all five fingers. The median nerve, as well as these nine tendons, must share the narrow space as they travel through the region known as the carpal tunnel of the wrist. Carpals are the medical term for the small bones that comprise the wrist. The carpal tunnel is formed when the wrist ligaments and connective tissue span over the top of a hollowed shallow groove formed by the carpal bones of the wrist. Any condition that directly causes a decrease in the space of this tunnel will result in carpal tunnel syndrome. It is important for you to understand what conditions could potentially result in a reduction of tunnel space. They are described below in full detail:

1- Tendonitis

Tendonitis is a condition where a tendon has been exposed to a prolonged repetitive strain resulting in it becoming thick and swollen much larger than is normal size. Since space is limited for the median nerve and nine flexor tendons to pass, a swollen tendon may sufficiently reduce this space, causing compression of the nerve. If there were only tendons in this tunnel, tendonitis of one or more tendons would have no negative impact. However, there is a nerve in the midst of these nine flexor tendons, and nerves don’t like being squeezed.

2- Calcific Tendonosis

There are times when severe tendonitis will result in fibre damage. If this happens, calcium deposits may form around and/or within the damaged fibres, causing the tendon to thicken. If the increase in tendon diameter is sufficient, compression of the median nerve will develop.

3- Connective Tissue Adhesions

Connective tissue is the tough fibrous tissue which holds muscles, tendons, and nerves in their rightful positions in the body. Repetitive strain of this tissue can result in a grizzle-like formation that results in a swelling in size of the region involved. Such swollen tissue can reduce the space in the region of the carpal tunnel. In fact, this connective tissue actually comprises a portion of the tunnel wall, so any thickening of it will directly reduce tunnel space.

4- Carpal bone malformation

This is a situation where the carpal bones of the wrist change shape slightly and shift inward creating a curved wrist appearance. If you cup the palm of your hand inward you can replicate this posture. The connective tissues of the wrist which form the walls of the carpal tunnel become squished causing a decrease in tunnel space. If sufficient malformation has occurred, carpal tunnel syndrome will result. The hard physical grasping of objects as with heavy diesel mechanics, construction equipment operators and tradesmen working with hand tools are prone to this.

5- Elbow Dysfunctions

Since the tendons that cross the wrist all arise from the elbow, any conditions in the elbow can directly cause compression of the carpal tunnel by way of the tendons. Elbow tendonitis, connective tissue fibrosis, and elbow joint trauma can result in a tightening of the tendons placing a squeeze on the nerve which happens to be situated in the middle of them at the wrist.

6- Trauma – Scar tissue

Any direct trauma or injury to the connective tissue and/or ligaments in the wrist that is severe enough to cause scar tissue formation will directly result in a reduction of tunnel space.

7- Pregnancy – Water retention

If you have ever been pregnant, you will remember when you were bloated, holding a lot of additional water in your body. Tendons, ligaments, muscle and especially connective tissue fascia love water. It soaks it up like a sponge. Pregnant women who experience water retention during their pregnancies may develop carpal tunnel syndrome. The good news is that once this retention period is over, the condition disappears.

8- High Blood Pressure – Water Retention

Those who have high blood pressure may be afflicted with water retention. Just like pregnancy, such water retention may result in the inflammation of tissues around the median nerve thus compressing it. Bringing down the level of retention will resolve the condition.

If I don’t have carpal tunnel syndrome, what do I have?

(Conditions that mimic carpal tunnel syndrome) Carpal tunnel syndrome is a nerve compression syndrome of the median nerve. The symptoms are all common to any nerve compression in the body. Any compression of the affected median nerve will cause the exact same symptoms! The median nerve begins its journey from the spinal cord midway up in the neck. If it becomes entrapped anywhere between the neck and the wrist, the symptoms will mimic those of an actual case of carpal tunnel syndrome. Below is a list of the conditions which can mimic those of carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Degenerative Disc Disease of the Neck
  • Neck Arthritis
  • Shoulder Tendonitis
  • Frozen shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis
  • Shoulder Separation
  • Shoulder Dislocation
  • Stroke
  • Humeral (upper arm bone) Fracture
  • Elbow Arthritis
  • Elbow Trauma
  • Pronated Teres Syndrome
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Vitamin B deficiency
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Metabolic Disorder



The ability to cure this condition depends on the successful removal and/or decompression of the structures(s) causing compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. Neurologists only inform patients of the existence of carpal tunnel syndrome, from results of nerve conduction tests, but don’t identify what structures are responsible for the condition.

We conduct a thorough assessment of the affected wrist to determine the structure(s) involved in the carpal tunnel compression and make a decision as to whether we can successfully remove it thus curing the condition.

We will NOT treat anyone whose carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by structures that we can’t remove or decompress.

Treatments involve the combined and timely use of extracorporeal shockwave therapy, Neuromuscular therapy, and magnetic biostimulation therapy.

Shockwave therapy will address the presence of tendonitis, scar tissue, swelling, and the calcium deposits responsible for calcific tendonitis and arthritis, that may be present in the region. We employ a technique that we developed for use on our non-surgical bunion removal process, to remove a great deal of unwanted calcium and connective tissues from the region.

Neuromuscular therapy techniques stretch the carpal ligament removing compression from the affected median nerve.

Magnetic biostimulation therapy will flush any lingering swelling from the region, help to regenerate the nerve fibres affected by the compression, and improve the overall function of all cells in the region.

Our treatment protocol requires 2-5 treatments to successfully address all of the structures involved in your particular variation of the condition. Carpal tunnel syndrome may develop due to multiple causative factors which may take more time in a given session to thoroughly address. Our assessment prior to the commencement of treatment will identify this.

Treatments are administered once per week unless your situation is deemed to be an urgent one. If it is deemed an emergency to prevent permanent nerve damage to the median nerve, treatments can be done every 3 days using a modified protocol providing a rapid aggressive decompression of the nerve.

A reduction of symptoms is experienced immediately after the first treatment, and continue to improve substantially over the next 3 days.

A total elimination of original symptoms will be noticed following your second or third treatment. If a fourth or fifth treatment is required, it is to complete a clean-up of the region.

We offer a unique diagnostic process for $150.00, credited towards your first treatment in full should you agree with the treatment plan. We look forward to meeting you and adding you to our growing list of satisfied, formerly-in-pain clients.

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation/assessment, please contact us at your convenience: