Heel Spurs

Our alternative non-surgical approach to treating heel spurs offers an extremely efficient and effective resolution to this painful condition.


A heel spur is a calcium deposit which forms on the calcaneus (heel bone). It can be extremely painful to stand or walk on, and may even cause some degree of discomfort while sleeping.


Typically, heel spurs cause a definite point-specific region of pain directly on the bottom of the heel, when standing or walking. It is particularly noticeable when walking on hard floors like ceramic tile or hardwood, with only socks or barefoot.

Some pain may also be experienced in the arch of the foot, as most heel spurs result from unresolved plantar fasciitis.


Heel spurs occur over time as a result of a prolonged stress/strain force on the connective tissue of the calcaneus (heel bone).

Connective tissue is an extremely tough and durable tissue which protects and binds muscles, bones, and ligaments everywhere in the body. On the bottom of the heel, this connective tissue binds to the Achilles tendon on the back of the heel, and to the plantar fascia which forms the arch of the foot attaching on the front of the heel.

This connective tissue is directly attached to the entire heel surface that we walk on.

If prolonged repetitive stress on this connective tissue is not addressed, plantar fasciitis will likely develop. As a result, the connective tissue on the bottom of the heel is exposed to extreme tensile forces created by the shortened plantar fascia. Over time, a portion of the connective tissue on the heel may begin to pull a sliver of bone with it.

The body’s response to this is to send in some calcium to reinforce the splintered region. If the connective tissue stress continues, more calcium is sent into the same region as more reinforcement. Over time, a bump will develop here due to the build-up of calcium. This is a heel spur, and it’s now painful.


We utilize two different shockwave units to resolve heel spurs. One addresses the plantar fasciitis while the other more powerful unit breaks apart the calcification on the heel.

During the 45 minute treatment, all of the shortened bands of connective tissue from the heel up to the toes are broken apart by the administration of shockwaves and stretched back to their original healthy lengths using neuromuscular therapy.
This process is extremely important if we are successful in resolving the condition.

Now our powerful shockwave unit begins breaking apart the calcium depot form the heel. This will take 2 treatments to accomplish.

Since we have the capability to resolve most foot conditions, we will address any other issues we find during our treatments. This would include any incidences of neuromas such as Morton’s neuroma, any early-stage arthritis, tarsal tunnel syndrome and so on.

You will walk away from the clinic with little or no pain after the first treatment. The foot should remain free of pain for approximately 2 or 3 days until it returns with much less intensity. This is normal and expected.

The second treatment will usually complete the spur removal process, and clean up the balance of the affected connective tissue bands.

For more information on our alternative non-surgical solution for heel spurs, schedule a consultation/assessment.