Osgood Schlatter Syndrome

Our professional use of shockwave therapy brings enormous relief to those who suffer from this condition. The calcifications that develop below the knee cap are broken apart and the connective tissues of the thigh are lengthened over several treatments.

This is a condition where the person’s thigh bones have grown faster than their muscles affecting the quadriceps muscle group primarily. It typically begins in early teenage years as a person enters their growth spurt and does not end until their early twenties.


The most obvious symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter’s is the profound pain on the leg just below the knee. This region becomes extremely painful, swollen, with pain radiating up into the knee and even down into the feet. It will be present in both legs, which makes diagnosing the condition quite easily.

You will have a very restricted knee joint and perhaps even your hips as well. You won’t be able to bend over and touch your toes, nor will you have much flexibility in your legs as a whole.

Your thighs will ache at night when sleeping and will be very stiff by morning.


Osgood Schlatter’s Syndrome is a condition where your femur bones of our thigh have grown too quickly to keep up with the muscle development, placing these muscles under extreme stress.

Athletic children will suffer more from the disorder due to their strengthening and shortening of the affected muscles due to their conditioning.

What Really Is Happening?

The tell-tale sign of Osgood-Schlatter’s is the red, swollen lump just below the knee, on both legs. This point is where the 4 huge quadriceps muscles on the front of your upper leg attach to the tibia (shin bone). Since the femur (thigh bone) has begun to grow the muscles covering it should as well. However they don’t, which causing an extreme shortness and pulling on their attachment site, which is a spot just below the knee on the tibia Basically, the 4 quadriceps muscles whose tendon encompasses your knee cap, are trying to rip away from their attachment site below the knee.

You will see enormous pressure on your knees due to this tightness across the front of the thigh encompassing your knee cap.

What Treatments Consist Of

Basically, we encourage your body to add length to the affected muscles of your thigh, thus alleviating the pressure which causes the symptoms.

We employ our shockwave/therapeutic massage therapy combination protocol to first loosen the fascial layers of the huge quadriceps muscles of your thigh. Very quickly, your body will respond and begin adding more tissue to the region.

You will be lying down while we loosen and passively stretch out the fascia of the muscles. We will also address any knee and/or hip dysfunctions which may have resulted due to the constant stress on them.

What to Expect During Treatment

You can expect to feel a lot of pressure and discomfort on your first treatment, all along your thigh muscles.

By the end of your first treatment, you will experience some relief for the first time in perhaps many months or even years. Our protocol has the ability to release the muscles of the thigh extremely fast.

You will see a good deal fewer symptoms during treatment as they pass, and your condition will quickly become less of a constant pain.

If you are interested in scheduling a  consultation/assessment, please contact us at your convenience: