Pudendal Nerve Neuropathy (PN) – Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrom (PNS)
Our successes solving pudendal nerve neuropathy (PN) and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) come for 2 main reasons, an exhaustive, multi-structural diagnostic process to identify root causes, and an innovative treatment strategy to solve them.
We know the debilitating symptoms you experience are not “all in your head”. Our experiences treating and solving pudendal nerve neuropathy (PN) and Chronic Pelvic Pain syndrome (CPPS) over the past 15 years has confirmed to us that in every case the symptoms were real, and we found the root cause for them.
We understand the anxiety and caused by pudendal nerve neuropathy (PN) and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) as you struggle to find answers.
We understand that you have likely given up looking for solutions as all interventions tried so far raised your hopes only to fail and let you down again.
We understand how it has ruined your life, but this document should change your outlook, as you read how we solve pudendal nerve neuropathy (PN) and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). If you are ready, let us start the process to get your life back.
The pain that is apparent on your face when we first meet you begins leaving to be replaced with a pleasant smile. This is the thanks we cherish for our many years of hard work.
“A brilliant emergency room physician once told me that he may not immediately determine what is wrong with the patient he is examining, but like peeling back the layers of an onion, will eventually find the ultimate cause through a well-guided process of elimination.This is exactly how we approach pudendal neuropathy and chronic pelvic pain syndrome.” |
Innisfil, ON
The woman in the above testimonial experienced our diagnostic process only. Her condition was actually fixed with the 2 diagnostic treatment sessions.
Pudendal Nerve Neuropathy & Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: The Basic Problem
The pelvis is a triangular-shaped, tightly packed region of the body made of every structure possible – nerves, arteries, veins, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bones.
Problems here could cause suicidal pain, in particular pudendal nerve neuropathy (PN) and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) , affecting the genitals, rectum, bladder, intestines, groin, and perineum, equally in men and women.
Pudendal nerve neuropathy (PN), and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) are chronic nerve compression conditions where pelvic nerves are being squeezed and thus stretched by the tissues they pass through, anywhere from the discs of the spine where they begin, down to the genitals. This causes the life-altering, chronic debilitating pain you are very familiar with.

Possible Pudendal Nerve Neuropathy (PN) and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) Compression Sites:
- The nerves can be squeezed by the deep connective tissues in the abdomen along the spine close to the sciatic notch in the pelvic bone where the 4 sacral nerve roots leave the spine and combine to create the pudendal, sciatic, and 3 other nerves.
- The nerves can be squeezed in the connective tissues of the sciatic notch itself where the pudendal and 4 other nerves must pass through to enter the buttocks.
- The nerves can be squeezed by the deep muscles of the sacrum where they begin their path down the buttocks along with the sciatic and 3 other nerves.
- The nerves can be squeezed by the sacrotuberous or sacrospinous ligaments as they pass under or through the ligament’s fibrous tissue.
- The nerves can be squeezed by the fascia of the ischium bone as they pass through this region before entering the genitals and perineum.
- The nerves can be squeezed by the muscles or connective tissue fascia deep in the pelvic triangle near or in the vagina, scrotum, penis, rectum, and/or bladder.
- The nerves can be squeezed by degenerating discs in the lumbar spine, affecting descending sacral nerve roots that comprise the nerves. You will not know or have pain in the low back if you have a problem with a lumbar disc because they don’t have pain receptors to warn you of a problem.
- The nerves can be squeezed by a build-up of pressure anywhere in the pelvic triangle, caused by the restricted circulation of deep pelvic veins.
- The nerves can be squeezed by A non-cancerous cyst (Tarlov Cyst) placing direct nerve, or indirect connective tissue pressure on a sacral nerve root of which comprises the pudendal and other nerves.
- The nerves can experience symptoms as a ripple effect from damage to nerves beside the pudendal nerve, such as damage to the posterior femoral cutaneous or cluneal nerves.
- The nerves could have been squeezed in the past, now released, suffering metabolic damage to their fibres leaving you with symptoms.
- The nerves can suffer metabolic damage after many years of heavy metal accumulation, being mercury and lead.
Note of Interest
If you understand all the possible reasons for nerve damage as you have just read above, you will understand the reasons for our exhaustive, 2-day multi-structural diagnostic process.
Diagnosing Pudendal Neuropathy (PN) and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS): Our Multi-Structural Diagnostic Process – the ITC difference
“I have spent over 15 years studying and developing a successful diagnostic process to be able to answer the crucial question you want to be answered: what is causing my pain and can you help me? Here are the results of my work.”
Glenn Cameron Innovative Therapy Canada
Our lead therapist Glenn Cameron uses his heightened sense of touch, developed reading braille to feel for evidence of tissue damage along the entire path taken by the nerves. The path begins in front from the spine deep in the abdomen where multiple pelvic nerves are formed, down to the pelvic triangle through the abdominal muscles, then from the sacrum and sciatic notch all the way down through the muscles and ligaments of the buttocks and ischium to the genitals and perineum.
He feels for the formation of soft tissue damage called myofascial adhesions, or adhesions as they are known. Adhesions are damaged, fibrous regions in muscles, tendons, and ligaments characterized by twisted/mangled/striated/glued fibres that do not stretch, restrict blood and oxygen flow, trap metabolic waste, and crush nerves if they are within the damaged zone. These adhesions cause severe pain felt where they have formed, along referral pathways to other regions in the body, or wherever a nerve provides function to muscles if crushed in the adhesion.
Using extracorporeal acoustic shockwave therapy, the same acoustic wave technology used to break apart kidney stones, Glenn begins testing all identified soft tissue adhesions he feels to determine which ones are squeezing the pudendal and other nerves. He does not just use any ordinary shockwave therapy device to accomplish this, but rather uses the world’s original true acoustic shockwave technology from EMS Systems Germany. This world-leading technology has the ability to reach deep into the abdomen to break apart myofascial adhesions and tight connective tissues strangling deep pelvic veins and nerves including the pudendal nerve. It has the capability to break apart hardened, fibrotic, twisted/tangled fibers in deep-lying ligaments and muscles along the pelvic nerve’ pathways, that manual manipulation can’t reach or break apart.
I got treatment from Glenn about 2 and a half years ago for Chronic Pelvic Pain, Pudendal Neuralgia and back pain. He gave me back so much of myself and my mobility. When I first came to Glenn at Innovative Therapy I was 27 and in constant unrelenting pain due to Pudendal Neuralgia and Fibromyalgia. I had been suffering and slowly getting worse for the past 8 years. I could not stand, walk or sit, even lay down without at very least great discomfort. I had to be driven to my appointments which were 1 hour away laying down in the back of an SUV because I was unable to sit for the ride. After the first appointment, I could already feel the difference and after the second I was able to attend a concert for the first time in years and stand and dance with very little pain. I continued to go for several appointments after that, he worked on my pudendal nerve, glutes, thighs, stomach, neck, and back. I had adhesions everywhere causing pain all over my body, it was hard and painful and took a few months for my body to recover but once it did he was able to get me to the point where now I can sit on hour-long car rides with only a small cushion. I can do the things I love again like yoga, swimming, cooking, playing with my dog, spending time with and helping my family and hanging out with my friends. He was so caring and helpful through the whole experience and always made me feel comfortable even though he was working in a very private area of my body. 8 years, thousands of dollars, countless doctors, specialist, physiotherapists, painful invasive procedures and 1 surgery and no one could do what Glenn did, no one could even explain the underlying cause of my pain but Glenn. I owe so much to him. Thank you, Glenn, for giving me back the part of myself I thought might be lost forever.
Ottawa, ON
The diagnostic process for pudendal nerve neuropathy (PN) and chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS requires 2, exhaustive treatments lasting approximately 75 minutes each.
The first diagnostic treatment is administered either into the abdomen reaching the pudendal’s sacral nerve roots, sciatic notch where the nerve exits the pelvis, vagina, bladder, internal penis structures, and complex veins or to the muscles and ligaments of the buttocks/ischium/Alcox regions in the rear of the pelvis, determined by the initial examination. These 2 extremely complex and precise diagnostic treatments will identify all possible myofascial adhesions in the pelvis, strangling pudendal and other nerves. Not all adhesions will strangle nerves but all those that do are identified and mapped out for removal. During this time some of these adhesions are actually broken apart so you will feel improvement in your condition even though these are diagnostic treatments, and relief is not expected.
Then we know exactly where to target the next 6 treatments to resolve your chronic pelvic pain and pudendal neuralgia. We say the next 6 treatments because most people require a total of 8 treatments to fully resolve these conditions.
The next step in this multi-structural diagnostic process is to identify whether a lumbar spinal disc is involved causing direct nerve compression of its various nerve roots from the spinal cord, resulting in all symptoms experienced, or whether it is responsible for the secondary formation of myofascial adhesions along the nerve’s pathways, or both. To clarify this, let’s look at this as it is crucial for you to understand.
Spinal disc can develop a bulge causing minor compression on an exiting nerve headed for the pelvis, genitals, and perineum. This squeeze may not be sufficient to cause symptoms into the pelvic structures and genitals directly, but can absolutely cause the formation of adhesions along the nerve’s pathway as it travels through the pelvis. We have seen many cases where people have had both direct disc involvement and adhesion compression causing a firestorm of symptoms.
The next diagnostic tool we rely on is an innovative nerve regeneration technology used to test and verify the integrity of pudendal and other nerves. This testing will identify whether nerve damage has occurred and if so how severe. Our treatment strategy must know the results of this testing.
The final tool we take out of our fully equipped toolbox is our world-leading, powerful magnetic therapy technology from Pulse Centers. We use it to determine whether you have suffered more widespread metabolic nerve damage not just to the pudendal nerve but to other pelvic nerves. This is also a crucial aspect of our diagnostic process as some of your symptoms may be coming from other pelvic nerves suffering metabolic dysfunction or physical compression damage.
Essentially, we engage in a complex, exhaustive, and systematic trace and verification process, to discover exactly where, and what portion the pudendal and other nerves and their branches has been harmed by problematic structures
Innovative Treatment Strategy: Time To Get Your Life Back
The pudendal and other pelvic nerves and branches are formed by combining nerve fibres from the 4 sacral spinal nerves S1 to S4 which exit the vertebrae just below the last 2 major lumbar discs and their nerve roots at L4 and L5.
The main nerves we speak about with respect to Pudendal Neuralgia and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome are:
- Pudendal nerve
- Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
- Cluneal Nerve
Minor nerves that may be involved include:
- Ilioinguinal Nerve
- Genitofemoral Nerve
- Pubofemoral nerve

Once created, the pudendal and other nerves and their branches wind their way from the spine through various pathways into the pelvic triangle through the abdomen or in the back through the buttocks and ischium. Symptoms will develop if any portion of these nerve fibres is irritated, strangled, stretched, or metabolically damaged.
The first 2 treatments to begin the process of solving pudendal neuralgia and chronic pelvic pain syndrome are reserved for the diagnostic process as explained above.
Since most cases require 8 treatments to resolve, treatments 3 to 8 will directly target the strangling forces common to those adhesions identified in the diagnostic process, and break them apart.
The administration of acoustic shockwave therapy involves a systematic approach to go back to locate and release every adhesion in the pelvic region found during the diagnostic process. A gun-like applicator delivers the high-intensity acoustic (sound) waves directly into the adhesions causing the gas molecules in the blood and lymphatic fluids to expand. These expanding molecules create bubbles that take up space and begin stretching and breaking apart the striated, twisted/tangles fibres that are literally glued together. The results are immediate, releasing the compressive forces from the nerves in that identified location of the body. Every adhesion found during the diagnostic process will be targeted for removal, whether it is squeezing the pudendal, sciatic, or other pelvic nerves.
This process causes no harm to the body tissues, as all tissues are designed to stretch if healthy. Only unhealthy tissues in adhesions break apart since they do not stretch. The strong connective tissue collagen which binds or glues the individual fibres together breaks apart and is re-absorbed and recycled by the body during the regeneration process. It takes up to 6 treatments to fully remove all adhesions found in the abdominal and pelvic regions, as we go from superficial to deep.
If a disc issue has been identified to also be involved, you will receive treatments on our professional spinal decompression system.
If metabolic nerve damage has also been identified to be involved, you will receive treatments to repair the nerves with our high-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, and neurostimulator nerve rebuilding technology.
It is common for us to find and remove abdominal adhesions responsible for other nerve issues that affect the bladder, colon for digestive issues, back pain, and even a special form of sciatica during this process.
Treatments may cause:
- Bruises that may appear purple or red on the skin over the treated region last for up to 1 week.
- Swelling on the skin and deep into the region treated lasting up to 3-5 days.
- Post-treatment Tenderness in the treated tissue lasting for 3-5 days
- Original pelvic symptoms may temporarily increase due to beneficial swelling, or nerve irritation as the body begins its tissue regeneration process.
- Vaginal yeast infections may develop due to the shockwave gel applied on the pubic bones near the labia.
- Micro Bleeding of the skin may develop in small amounts with shockwave application to the perineum due to the thin nature of the skin in this region.
- Bowel movements may be altered temporarily causing diarrhea with the application of shockwaves over the abdomen into the bowel and small intestine as bowel tension caused by nerve dysfunction is removed.
- Abdominal red patches, bruises, and local/deep bloating are common after the first 2 abdominal applications of acoustic shockwaves as a result of their breaking apart deep-lying adhesions.
All symptoms experienced during the first 2 diagnostic treatments will completely diminish within 3-5 days typically and in rare cases up to 1 week after treatments.
Ongoing Treatment Expectations
Once the first 2 diagnostic treatments have been completed, all subsequent treatments will cause some of the effects listed above, but they should be less severe and take less time to resolve.
Now, treatments will cause strong recreation of symptoms as the therapy directly addresses the root causes. This is when you should feel deep symptoms into your vagina, penis, scrotum, rectum, bladder, lower back, groin, back of the thigh, and stomach.
With every treatment going forward you will begin noticing fewer symptoms daily and experience what so many have a hard time with is the relief and realization that you are seeing lasting results and improvement every day.
The off days not treating pelvic pain are spent treating other biomechanical or nerve compression dysfunctions which most sufferers have, which may include straightening the pelvis, addressing any low back, shoulder, or chronic neck conditions unrelated to the condition.
Note! An amazing aspect of our treatment protocol is that we often find and solve other symptoms people knew existed in the abdomen and pelvis but did not know what was really wrong, so are extremely grateful to finally have answers to these old symptoms.
Treatments must be administered in blocks of 2, one day through the stomach and the other day through the buttocks and ischial regions until the major adhesions have been removed from that region. Then single treatments can be administered to both regions wherever final remnants remain completing the process. These treatments are administered only after the soft tissues have healed from the previous treatment.
Once all adhesions have been removed, your body will continue to rebuild the soft tissues treated for up to 2 or 3 months. You should expect to see:
- increased strength in your legs and pelvis
- increased overall mental and physical endurance
- increased overall energy
- improved sleep
- improved appetite
- normalized bowel movements
- a return to normal sex life
- you will be free of pain.
The time required to solve your particular case will vary depending on:
- How quickly your body heals regenerating new tissue
- Whether you have a spinal disc issue complicating or delaying healing
- Whether you have suffered nerve damage and require additional intervention and/or time to regenerate the nerves involved
- Whether you have suffered permanent damage due to surgical interventions for this, or other pelvic conditions
In most cases, 2 months is an expected time to see your condition completely resolved, unless you have complicating factors that would have been identified early in your treatments. This is because new blood vessel formation and soft tissue regeneration resulting from acoustic shockwave therapy take several weeks to accomplish, followed by full tissue and nerve regeneration which take 2-3 months to accomplish.
For treatment, we require access to your pelvic region, allowing us to palpate (feel) and apply “acoustic” shockwave therapy to various regions of the pelvis externally, looking for evidence of a problem. By access we mean:
- Palpate and/or apply acoustic shockwaves deep into your pelvic region externally through the abdomen from pubic symphysis up to the ribs
- Palpate and/or apply acoustic shockwaves externally to your gluteals (buttocks), ischial (sits) bone, and soft tissues, up to but not internally to your rectum, vagina, penis, and/or testicles.
- Palpate and/or apply acoustic shockwaves externally to your perineum
Note: Pain travels through regions of a body from one location to another due to myofascial adhesion referral patterns along fascial lines, and/or due to direct nerve paresthesia (sensations) generated by dysfunctional or damaged nerve axons.
You can experience various symptoms in your rectum, vagina, penis, and/or scrotum whenever manual diagnostic/therapeutic forces and/or acoustic shockwave waves are administered. There may be times when you are positive that the acoustic shockwave applicator is at or in your vagina and/or rectum with the sensations its acoustic waves cause, yet it is not. Treatments can easily reach all deep-lying pelvic structures with an external application through the abdomen and under no circumstances is required to enter the rectum or vagina with either manual palpation or acoustic shockwave administration.
We must work together if treatments are to be successful, so it is your job to tell us all symptoms experienced during assessment and treatment and to ask questions. You must voice any concerns you may have before, during, or after treatments.
Equipment & Therapy
How does the equipment used to treat my condition, affect my recovery? What is the Innovative Therapy Canada difference?
The effectiveness of any technology varies from one manufacturer to another. Independent laboratory tests that confirm the effectiveness of the technology are conducted using original manufacturer specs. EMS Systems Germany, Acoustic-based Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) was used by leading researchers to establish the baseline upon which the world now understands as both the true and proven acoustic shockwave therapy technology. Based on the success of EMS technology, other manufacturers have tried but are not allowed to copy EMS’s patent-protected design.
What does that mean to you? The two most important factors to your recovery are identifying the root causes, and treating them using the most effective and reliable technology.
We use EMS acoustic shockwave devices exclusively and are the most experienced practitioners of the technology in Canada, having treated over 6,000 people over the past 15 years.