Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction (SI)

The sacroiliac joint, or SI as it is known, is the large joint where the ilium bone of the pelvis attaches to the lower spine. There is an SI joint on the right and left side of the spine attaching the left and right ilium bones.

These joints are the most important joints in the skeleton for so many reasons. Probably their most important function is to provide a platform for the entire upper body to sit on, including the spine and head. The SI joints also provide a platform for both legs to attach to.

The problems this joint can develop involve either being jammed with little or no movement between the ilium and spine, or excessive movement. Both have devastating consequences for the person suffering from SI joint dysfunction.

Other conditions that can arise from SI joint dysfunction include:

  • Hip pain and bursitis
  • Low back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Nerve compression syndrome
  • Pelvic pain syndrome
  • Various foot conditions including bunions and hammer toes
  • Knee pain
  • Iliotibial band contracture
  • Headaches
  • TMJ
  • Difficulty getting pregnant



Since both joints attach both legs to the spine, problems with feet, knees, or hips will result in SI joint dysfunction. Remember the SI joint sits on the legs for support at the hip joint.

Muscles that develop myofascial adhesions pull on the joint resulting in severe restriction of its normal movements. We need movement in these SI joints to walk properly.

Myofascial adhesions develop in muscles because of some repetitive prolonged unaccustomed forces on their fibres. Problems with feet and knees could result in one or both SI joints becoming restricted or completely locked.

A situation often arises in some people where one SI joint will develop a severe restriction in its motion, which then leads to the opposite SI joint becoming excessively loose. This situation will absolutely cause major issues with muscles in the region including the groin, quadriceps, buttocks, low back, and pelvic floor (pelvic pain syndrome).


Our approach to all treatments is to identify the cause of a condition to have developed and correct it.

A thorough assessment will be conducted on the entire skeleton to determine what caused one or both SI joints to become dysfunctional, and to determine what other regions of the body have been affected by their dysfunction. Nerve compression syndromes often develop due to SI joint issues.

We utilize our high energy shockwave units to break apart the adhesions which develop within the various muscles attaching to the pelvis. They directly pull on the SI joints through their attachments to the ilium.

SI joint treatments involve a dynamic sequence of shockwave therapy, joint mobilization techniques, and Neuromuscular therapy to address all of the muscles and joints involved in the condition.

We have seen people who have had SI joint dysfunction for so many years that they have suffered irreversible damage to the joint. We routinely check everyone whom we conduct no charge consultation/assessments on, particularly in those who are over 50 years of age. Permanent damage will not have developed then making our treatments essential to prevent such an occurrence.

If you are interested in scheduling  a consultation/assessment, please contact us at your convenience: