Plantar Fasciitis

Our Innovative protocol to treat plantar fasciitis utilizes 2 different shockwave units, and may also require magnetic therapy and neuromuscular therapy, to ensure even the most difficult form of the condition be successfully treated.

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition which affects the plantar (bottom) surface of the foot. The plantar fascia is a strong flat-like sheet of very strong connective tissue, that provides support to the tarsal bones of the foot when load-bearing. Under normal circumstances, this fascial tissue has some degree of flexibility, stretching slightly when each footstep is taken.


  • Pain in the arch and often at the region where the arch meets the heel.
  • Pain in the morning when first getting out of bed.
  • Pain while standing or walking for long periods of time


Plantar fasciitis is the end result of some other mechanical fault that has developed within the skeleton involving the pelvis, hip, knees ankle, foot, or any combination. Factors that can attribute to the formation of plantar fasciitis include:

  • Increased activity after a period of being sedentary.
  • Foot trauma – fractures, arthritis, severe ankle sprain.
  • Foot malformation – the presence of cysts, malformed bone(s).
  • Rapid weight gain.
  • Over Pronated feet – feet that lean inward as the arch collapses when load-bearing.
  • Short leg – many people are born with a short leg and don’t even know it.
  • Joint Misalignment – misaligned pelvis, hips, knees ankles or any combination.

What is Really Happening?

Fascia is a very strong, connective tissue found everywhere In the body. Its purpose is to bind and protect sensitive muscle fibres, ligaments, and bones. The plantar fascia is the name of the fascial sheet found on the plantar surface of the foot and is the tissue affected in plantar fasciitis.

This plantar fascia is enormously tough and durable as is the case with all fascia. It can endure enormous forces placed upon it but for brief sporadic occurrences only. Problems begin when the fascia is exposed to prolonged, repetitive unaccustomed forces which begin to cause a breakdown of its fibres. When this begins, tiny micro-tears develop along the lines of stress that the fascia is enduring. If this prolonged repetitive force is not stopped, further breakdown will occur of the fascia, resulting in a larger area of micro-tearing and certainly now the appearance of inflammation. The body then begins patching the areas of tearing with an improper patching response resulting in an increased production of painful inflammation.

As this process occurs, the fascia slowly shortens due to the tearing and patching response. With the repetitive forces still present, the overall fascia is now experiencing a tremendous amount of force on its fibres. Eventually, the micro-tearing, patching, and inflammation result in pain. A full-blown case of plantar fasciitis has now developed.

If the condition is left untreated for many months, it can develop into a severe, chronic situation. In this instance, the condition is still one that can be resolved.

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation/assessment, please contact us at your convenience: