Soft-Tissue Regeneration

As a chronic pain therapy clinic, we see many cases of chronic pain caused by severely damaged soft tissue (muscles/tendons/ligaments), which the body has no ability to heal because the damage is too far gone. We offer an innovative non-invasive approach to initiate the body’s regenerative processes to rebuild damaged soft tissue, thus eliminating the pain it caused.

Why The Damage?

We see many causes for soft tissue damage that include;

  • Damage due to mechanical skeletal strain on joints (bunions, spinal arthritis, headaches)
  • Post-Joint Replacement Surgery(shoulder/hip/knee)
  • Injuries due to falls, sports, auto/workplace accidents
  • Soft Tissue or joint Infection
  • Soft tissue calcifications Due To
  • Repetitive Strain injuries (sprains, tendinopathies)
  • Muscle damage from myofascial adhesions


Our Non-Invasive Regenerative treatment

Once our diagnostic process has competently identified the damaged tissue, being nerves, muscles, tendons, or ligaments, we can then select the appropriate technologies to initiate the rebuilding phase.


The rebuilding phase is not the same as healing. Rebuilding damaged tissue is not a normal function of the body, so it will never accomplish it on its own. We must stimulate the body’s ability to generate new tissue instead of trying to heal existing tissue.

Several crucial metabolic processes must be stimulated;

  • Produce new blood vessels (neogenesis) to supply damaged tissue with essential cellular building blocks
  • Stimulate new nerve ending synthesis to direct the process
  • Release metabolic growth factors to start generating new tissue
  • Remove old damaged tissue
  • Increase Nitric Oxide Production further enhancing the release of growth factor enzymes
  • Stimulate new protein production

How We Accomplish this

We typically combine multiple technologies to initiate this rebuilding process, depending on the type of tissue damaged. We will typically choose either the world’s most powerful acoustic shockwave (ESWT) or pulsed magnetic (PEMF) therapies as the core technology. Then we add either vascular infrared, laser, neurostimulator, low-energy magnetic, or decompression therapy. In some cases, we combine many of these technologies, and in severe cases use all of them.

We often receive medical confirmation of success in the form of post-treatment imaging or physician acknowledgment from those whom we have treated with our regeneration process.

Three recent cases involving a motor vehicle accident with a shoulder blade fracture with muscle damage and muscle calcification, and 2 cases of impending kidney failure with other metabolic issues, all successfully treated.

If you or anyone you know has suffered nerve or soft tissue damage, we encourage you to visit us for a thorough assessment to evaluate whether we can help.